Monday, February 5, 2018

Accreditation Leads To Theological Compromise

I just received an email from one of our faculty members showing where some of our accredited theological seminaries are having to make a choice of either accepting ungodly and perverse courses or jeopardize their accreditation status.

I have been warning against this for quite some time, and sure enough it's on its way.
God is now separating the wheat from the tares.

If a theological school compromises on this most serious topic, they do not deserve to train God's servants for the highest calling on earth.

Do we or do we not know an abomination we see it?

Luder Wycliffe Theological Seminary will never become state accredited simply because of this type thing.

I never could understand why ministers chase after the approval of the government concerning seminary training. Christian training belongs to the Church...NOT THE STATE!

Who are we trying to impress? It's time we take a stand for all that is holy. Accreditation is not the seal of "Good" education. Good education has to do first with the student and then with the curriculum and faculty.

Blessings to you al!

Dr. Jack Nelson

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