Thursday, January 11, 2018

Apologetics Needed For Today's Church

The Church today is facing some of the most devastating blows of evil in centuries.

*The turmoil is both within and outside the Church.

*We have allowed humanistic values and all types of sin to run rampant behind the pulpit and among our people.

*We have lost credibility in the eyes of the world because of it.

*True Ministers of the gospel are mocked and dismissed as unimportant and non-relevant.

What is the answer? I believe it is two-fold:

1. We need a true revival to address the sin within the Church.

2. We need more ministers trained in the discipline of apologetics in order to confront the onslaught of humanistic doctrines that face the Church.

If I were to choose what I believe is currently the most needed study in any seminary or Bible School, it would be hands down APOLOGETICS.

I understand that it is one of the most challenging of all programs, but oh how we need more students of the word that will stand up and fill the gap between God and man in this most important field of study.

by Dr. Jack Nelson

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