Saturday, October 15, 2016

Doctor Of Eschatology Degree Program Announced

Dr. Jack Nelson, President of Luder-Wycliffe Seminary, has announced the development of the Doctor of Eschatology degree program (D.Esc.).

The degree is the first of its kind to be offered by a Protestant Seminary.

Students enrolled in the program will complete the following course requirements:

Historical Eschatology 4 credit hours

Comparative Eschatology 4 credit hours

Literary Eschatology 4 credit hours

Biblical Eschatology 4 credit hours

Comparative Hermeneutics 4 credit hours

Linguistics & Biblical Interpretation 8 credit hours

Theological Speech/ Public Speaking 4 credit hours

Advanced Typology 8 credit hours

Research Paper (15,000 words) 16 credit hours.

Additional information will be available at Luder-Wycliffe Theological Seminary.

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